Keeley knew she had feet before, she watched them wiggle with striped socks on when she was 2 months old. Between 3 and 4 months old, she began using them to help bump the activity center on her bouncy seat and kick the toy we put at her posterior end.
Now? She pries on the activity center over her bouncy seat until it pops off, props her feet upĀ against the tray on the seat on the swing (sorry Stacy, I knock her feet down every time I catch her at it), and pushes against her crib to help her roll over. Today? She realized she could put her legs up in the air and look at her feet. Made for an interesting ‘no clothes, waiting to get in the tub’ time tonight. Airing her hiney out.
She also learned to splash her feet in the tub. Although she was so surprised at the outcome that she didn’t do it again, although she did flail her arm in the tub once. She also seemed to suck on the vitamin dropper the second time I put it in her mouth. Apparently she believes the ‘num num’ noises we make at the hated grapey smelling stuff.
One more thing…she is learning cause and effect, very slowly. She has learned to drop things out of her chair. She also played in her jumpy thingy, and has learned to roll the small roller to make it make animal noises. She doesn’t seem to be doing it very purposely yet, but it’s getting there.
Tell Keeley Aunt Stacy says she can put her feet wherever she wants! And isn’t that hiney awfully cute, whilst being inappropriate? It’s so fun to watch them learning the new stuff. You can practically see the gears turning in their heads. I’m glad you’re enjoying it all!