I Am
I am full of hope and strength
I wonder what a newborn baby dreams about
I hear angels’ wings, whispering in flight
I see their trails, fewments left behind
I want a place to call my own
I am full of hope and strength
I pretend to ignore the warnings I hear everywhere, but can’t
I feel brave when facing the fire
I touch the spring air and it fills me with contentment
I worry that my daughter might not know true peace in her lifetime
I cry over thoughts of the evil in the world
I am full of hope and strength
I understand that I am loved
I say that God is with us
I dream of better days to come
I try to be a positive influence
I hope for life to spring eternal
I am full of hope and strength
So? Who are you? http://ettcweb.lr.k12.nj.us/forms/iampoem.htm
made a very inspiring read!