Remember this? The long searched for chicks and rabbits of which I got 6 lonely bags last year? I ate 4 and put two in the freezer. They got moved twice. The 5th bag went to soothe my mom with having to deal with a ‘down’ husband at home all day for 6 weeks. The 6th bag just bit the dust. Sigh. But I ALMOST made it to the NEXT Easter on 6 bags. I rule!!!!!!
Stacy Wolfmeyer
Just think – you live in a big city now, so though you may have to do some searching to find them, you ought to be able to have success! Those look yummy. I LOVE circus peanuts, and if they’re anything close, I’m going to have to hope they DON’T have them around here, because I’ll eat them all up. I’m a huge jelly bean fan, with black ones being my favorite. And I have the cutest little bunny bowl that just begs to be filled…and emptied….and filled…and emptied! I love Easter candy. It’s more fun than Halloween candy. Way prettier wrappers, too. Be sure the Easter Bunny leaves something for Keeley. She’ll need a little help from Mommy to get it eaten, but that’s what mommies are for, right?
Mmmm, black jelly beans sound good.
I hate black jellybeans. I hope for Easter Keeley gets a nice long nap. I know it won’t happen, because we’ll be busy, but it’s a nice thought!