Thanks to Jo at Chocolate and Other Things, Yummy! For hosting Fun Monday this week. Her topic is: For this week’s Fun Monday, tell me something fun about your mother and/or her mother. What fun, weird, laughable memories do you have of your Mom or your Grandma?
My mom (and dad for that matter) are a lot of fun. They both kind of thought their parents were a little dry sense of humor wise, so they really have always yukked it up, dinner table and all. More than once, more than 10 times, really, someone has gone sprinting from the dinner table with iced tea shooting out of their nose. It’s really that funny. You guard when you take a big drink to make sure no one’s telling a story. Lest you have to take the spit it out before you snort it out run to the sink.
One of the best and simple things my mom does fun wise (and I fully intend to pass down to my own girl), is to ‘play the paper towel tube’ –a kind of jazzy, N’awlins style ‘do do do do’ing’ through the tube, complete with a slide trombone at the end. I’m not sure why she started this, but to this day if the last of the roll of paper towels is used, she toots her horn.
And that’s just one of the many reasons I love her!
Ha! That is too darn funny. I will have to try that the next time my paper towel roll is empty ;0)
Jill, thank you so much for your lovely comment! I love the addition of “No Sam” to the ‘Enery the Eighth song. Sometimes I still sing those old songs, when I’m by myself of course 🙂
And what a great story about the “paper towel kazoo”! Now that has given rise to another memory – something my mom showed me, involving a hair comb and a tissue over it – you could “play” it like a harmonica. I’ll have to ask her what that was. Wonderful post, it sounds like your mom is a lot of fun!! Happy FM to you!
Love. Love. Love the paper towel tube as a musical instrument. We also use wrapping paper rolls and call them hoo-hoos.
I can totally relate to that one.
wow a blast from the past. We used to do the paper towel thing also, that was a forgotten memory. You Mom sounds like a fun person.
ta doot, ta doot,
(The paper towel tube song)
I would chase our dog with the paper towel tube and the tadoot song. I thought eveybody did this? (:
Ha! I’ll have to try doing that so my son can write a blog about me one day!!!!
That’s funny. I’ve done that, but very seldom.
We used to drive our dog mad (were we cruel) blowing noises through the paper towel role even better if it was a wrapping paper tube. Your mom sounds great fun to be around.
ha it would be better if I could spell correctly!
How wonderful that you have such memorably fun times with you parents!
Hugs and blessings,
Fun! Can I join the band with my spoons?
That’s sweet… I toot on the paper towel roll too! My kids love it!
Such a brilliant idea with the left over toilet rolls. I might try that with my neice 🙂 It’s that or the Blue Peter (British kids TV show) treatment – make them in to anything and everything!