Fun Monday

fun_monday_logo_jpglargePamela is this week’s FM host: The subject: Show me in pictures or tell me in words what defines the place where you live.

Concrete and steel, doors and windows, 30 year old buildings, created to house those who can’t get a house themselves. Neatly stacked, back to back, close without being close-knit. Nearby without being neighborly. Numbers define your reality. No one knows what they hold inside. Here’s what ours holds…



  1. well that ABSOLUTELY defines your world — and will for the next rest of your life. ha ha!

    She has sweet troll hair in that photo. my nose wants to tickle her neck.

  2. ladystyx

    Cute baby picture!

    Yes, your description of an apartment hits it right on the head. A shame that society has gotten to the point that that would be an accurate description.

  3. Peter

    Jill, I’m so pleased you have that adorable baby to make up for the rather drab sounding neighborhood.
    Thanks for your comments about our bushfires, they are still causing heartbreak for so many people.

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