Seriously, this ‘lady’ if you can call her that, was on Jay Leno the other night singing the song ‘just dance’ –the music is a dance hit type thing, no doubt about that. But seriously, seriously! When you get Matthew and I to both look at each other with our jaws hitting the floor, you’ve done a ‘no no’ —and lady a gaga is a NO NO!! She was wearing some sort of spangly top that didn’t fit or was styled awkwardly, for sure, and the bottoms, well if — no I’d be lying, she wasn’t wearing bottoms. She was wearing black THONG underwear and ‘skin’ colored pantyhose over them. Barefoot. So from the front, all was fine if you could call it that, but then she spun around, and around and around, and the more she spun, the more I realized that her entire butt was showing.
Is that fashion or did she not have enough time to put her skirt on? I seriously hope it’s the latter.