Not too long ago, I took a 5 question quiz (I think it was off of facebook) that was supposed to tell me my parenting style. My friend Trisha (currently T-2 weeks from her own due date), took it as well, she was the one that sent it to me. I answered honestly from what I think I would do. The questions were as inane as what would you take as a snack for your kids’ soccer team, and none of the answers was I happy with, but I chose as close to what I would do as possible. The results? Well I was glad to know we got the same results, because I think that she will be a fun, responsible parent. But the quiz told both of us that we’d be awful mothers that would be mean to our kids. Umm, what?
But I went to today and found another quiz. Based on your personality style. Mine may have shifted a bit over the last few years, I’m probably a bit more relaxed and laid back, but I went off of my old style INTJ. I’m sure you all have taken this type of test before, but if you haven’t, no fear, all the initials are there for you to pick from (are you an introvert or extrovert, for example)… and here’s what mine says. I’m happy with it. It also offers a one line tip as a kind of ‘get with it’ for your own style. Go and find your own.
The individual-integrity mother (INTJ)This mom is introspective, defining her own success from within, and is generally confident in her decisions. She’s unlikely to be persuaded by her kids’ saying “But all the other moms are doing it.” She’s competent in providing for her kids’ basic needs, but she’s likely more focused on building their confidence. She puts great importance on independent thinking and self-sufficiency. This mom works hard and takes life seriously; she lives for those moments when she can impart knowledge and offer her kids new perspectives on life. Stay-sane tip: It’s essential for you to have a project to call your own. If you don’t have a job, try volunteering to meet your need for mental stimulation and adult conversation.