We’re starting to do kick counts. I did them this morning after taking my iron pill, drinking juice and eating fruit. I got the 10 counts in under 5 minutes.
After a dinner of lasagna and with ‘dad’ helping out, we took 45 minutes to get to 10. Not sure what the difference was. Usually with ‘dad’ talking or singing or doing whatever, baby goes nuts. Not today, at least not for a sustained amount of time anyway.
Still, though, we got it, so that’s good.
We had plenty right before lunch, when I was getting ready to run to the store (the only thing I forgot yesterday was parmesan cheese to put in the lasagna)…and the belly was ROLLING. Seriously. We’d been seeing poke outs but not the rolls. So it was hilarious. I sat there for a while just watching. I figured we’d have a couple more weeks before we were able to see that. But tonight, being stubborn I guess.