I have to say that my favorite thing in the world is going barefoot. I’d prefer to do it on plush carpet more than anything. Of course, I would not turn away some warm hardwood or sticky linoleum either. I just love being barefoot. Inside, outside, as long as it’s a clean, warm surface, I love it. Of course, I love anything that reminds me of being a kid. Warm flooring reminds me of being at home with the sun shining on the various flooring in my folks’ house. Ahh, home.
This reminds my of when I was little. My family had wooden and linoleum floors. Then our living room got some carpet put on it. I remember waking up and running straight to the living room with my bare feet. Feeling the softness against my toes was just awesome. 🙂
I am sitting here bare footed right now for the first time this year~ it’s wonderful!
I have always loved barefooting, but am unable to do that much anymore. I have problems with my right foot, so you will catch in my flops almost year round. That is about as close as I get to barefooting anymore.