If you want to leave comments from now on, you’ll have to use word verification. I have been deleting the spam onces I have gotten over the past 2 weeks, but I deleted one today and this “Jason” who doesnt really have a blogger profile, posted the same spam comment 19 TIMES after I deleted it the first time. Me thinks he doesnt like rejection. Sorry dude. You’re out.
Everyone else, be sure to word verify!
Matthew Shoemaker
It’s not so bad! Even I can do it 😉
Jason visited me too, but only 2 times. I feel so neglected by Jason. But glad to attempt the word verification which usually takes me several tries.
Sorry you got spammed. I haven’t had any troubles on my blog… at least so far.
Word verification isn’t so bad.
knock on wood.
Word verification isn’t that bad.. in fact I use one that tickled my fancy as a swear word.
Isn’t that great.
UGH…I never get spam on my blog. Maybe once a month. I don’t blame you for using word verification if they are getting bad.
hooboy. guess who came to visit me.