Today I’m starting with something a little different. A few times a month, I’m going to be posting (along with all the other good stuff I already post) a pay per post ‘post’ – if that makes any sense…
How did I hear about this? My blogging friend Kerith also does PPP and she explained how easy to was to do. She’s right, this, right here, is my first assignment! So far, I love it! I stole a quick look, and the opportunities available are varied and just about everyone can find something they like to blog about. You have the opportunity to tell a little bit about your blog to the sponsors and they gear some of the opportunities towards your natural interests or blog topics.
Right now, my goal is to make enough money each month to pay for my Internet connection. Since I don’t have another job right now, it’s the perfect opportunity for me! Getting paid to do something I love and learning in the process? It’s genius. It will also give me the opportunity to practice my blogging skills, branch out a little bit, and meet some new people. I think it will serve me well in the future, and would be a good opportunity for a SAHM or SAHD to network and make their blog time worthwhile to the family’s bills.
Now don’t worry, this is not going to become an all-money blog or get too messy with links along the side. I hate that as much as you do. So what do you say? Care to join me? Feel free to leave a comment if you’re interested and I’ll help you out.
I really would like to get involved in something like this, I’m just worried that I’ll lose the few readers that I actually have. 🙁 Let me know how it goes for you! 🙂
Huh, I never knew such a thing existed. I’ve always envied those people who were able to make money blogging…and now you’re making it uber easy for me to just click and start doing that which I envy 🙂
Pretty cool, look forward to seeing how it works out for you!