Awaiting the end of the Giants/Packers game to see who will be facing the Patriots in the Superbowl.
Finished the 6th Women’s Murder Club book in as many days. Good lord, I’ve been reading a lot.
I’ve also been having a lot of fun. My husband likes to look at you know, like computer stuff and truck auctions when he gets home at night, and when I’ve got a book to stick my nose in, I don’t mind that his is in the computer. It’s kind of fun. Better than sitting and staring at him…
We did have a great time Friday night at the holiday party for his work. We don’t ever have a situation where we have to talk to people we don’t know, let alone go out all dressed up. Either situation could be uncomfortable, but really, I thought we both did very well. I handled the ‘work’ question with probably less tact than normal, and I’m sure the lady felt like she was put off (which she was), but hey, whatever. I also handled the ‘kids’ question with delicacy and politeness. Not snarkiness. Yeah me 🙂 We were at a table where we were probably either the oldest or tied oldest, with another 2 obviously younger couples. One of the girls looked about 15 and like she was going to her junior prom, but was drinking like a champ so I assume she was 21.
The magician was lame, but I think it’s just because neither of us has ever been wowed by magicians. Too much like circus performers. I had no idea we had that in common. Hey, I learned something about my spouse. Neat. Anyway, a band, a deejay, just about anything would have been better than a magician. Oh well. I tried not to look bored and clapped when everyone else did. I just don’t give a flying leap how the ball gets under the cup or the never ending streamer comes out of your mouth. I want you to sit down and shut up. Is that mean? Oh well, tough!
We’ve had late nights all weekend. I don’t see this as an exception. My husband has been glued to the computer and football since early this afternoon. I don’t see that changing until the game is over and he’s exhausted enough to quit looking at truck stuff. Could be a long night…