Okay, so here goes, I’m tuning into trash tv because it’s a guilty pleasure and the writer’s strike has levelled the playing field (by that I mean nothing else is on tv), as well as Michigan’s Presidential primary being a wipe due to the loss of democratic candidates on their ballot (predisposed by their insistence on being moved up in the grand scheme of things, chronologically, and losing their delegate count)… onto the question…
Simon Cowell (yes I’m watching the American version of Pop Idol which originated in Britain), pops off with another ‘I don’t get Americans’ and this time he backhandedly compliments Americans! Wow…
He says, and I’m paraphrasing… ‘I don’t get how when one of your friends does something good, you celebrate with them…’ In this statement and follow ups, he indicates that he could not imagine celebrating with a friend who did something good. I want to know how the rest of the British folks out there feel about that…
Is he misrepreseting your country?
I think what he means is that generally if we do something good we keep it private and don’t make a big issue out of it (the same is also true if we do something not so good). We are a private race and wouldn’t share emotions that easily. I have noticed how different we are to the Irish who would be the closet nation to us and with whom there would be a ‘special relationship’. Of course if we knew a friend did something good and wanted to celebrate we’d be right there celebrating with them.
That’s my opinion anyway.
I would agree with what Beccy says. We as a nation do tend to hide our ‘light under a bushel'(modestly conceal one’s talent) If we do good, it somehow feels like boasting to brag about it and so less worthy. Having said that, of course, we would celebrate in appropriate circumstances.
From my own point of view then yes, he is certainly misrepresenting me. If one of my friends does something good, it’s brilliant!
but on top of being a closet emotion nation, the Brits, and I don’t mean to generalise, have a habit of being secretly more pleased when people fail that when they succeed. We seem to enjoy seeing people fall on their faces rather than celebrate the positive things.
Beats me why but there you go!