Sigh.. turn the page…

Did I mention my husband was awesome! Is awesome! Totally awesome!

The other day I was feeling kind of blah (trying to find a bra to fit the ‘girls’ in Vicky’s Secret with a bunch of 13 year olds sporting B cups with plenty of items available to them kind of pissed me off), and my husband drove me to the library and got me a library card. Then he waited patiently while I picked out a stack of books as big as my head…and carried them for me…

I love books, I just hardly ever give myself a chance to get lost in a book, because I can get on a roll and read until my head aches and still want more. I always used to read as a youngster, I’d read things that were too old for me, things that had foreign words, odd phrases, but I’ll be golly if I didnt have a better sense of spelling and vocabulary than almost anyone else my age!

Now I imagine that most people have caught up to me, but I still have quite a foreign words vocabulary, and a knack for understanding not only in context, but also the latin roots of words lead me to understand or catch on to ideas a lot faster than other people in the room. I also get a lot more jokes on tv than other people.. it sure gives me a giggle…

but hey, my husband is awesome… he got me a library card!


  1. OK – so what’s on your reading list? I am a self-professed re-reader, and have favorite books that I can read again and again and again (and again!) – but am always on the lookout for more good titles…

    Recent re-reads are Shelters of Stone (Auel) and Sum of All Fears (Clancy) – so you can see it is an eclectic mix. My Christmas book from hubby is Dragonsblood (McCaffrey) and I ripped through half of that last night. Can’t wait until the munchkin is in bed tonight so I can finish!

  2. That is so sweet of your hubby. I’m glad you have a wonderful man. As far as reading, I have never been big on reading. It wasn’t until I found and I could read and hear, that I started enjoying reading. I retain more. It wasn’t until 3 years ago that I found out I’m dyslexic. I will get books on tape and the book itself and follow with the tape. It has helped me so much. I use this method with my kids also because I don’t want them to be left out of so much I was. Isn’t technology great.

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