to the Christmas fests we go! We made it. After a quick (okay long) stop to visit with a former co-worker — and verify that the former boss is totally insane, even impartial people who have class and tact came right out and said she’s a psycho. Wonderful. Um.. yeah, after that we got on our way and arrived ‘home’ an hour later. 4 hour drive plus an hour-ish stop makes for a long day. My poor hubby. He should get something special for Christmas for putting up with it. Let’s see, so for now I’ll recount what we saw along the way, besides lots and lots of fog and the usual ‘moos’ and horses, etc.
In the first 5 minutes: a deer, munching on grass and a flock of turkeys
In the first 35 minutes: 24 hawks or birds of prey (maybe more)
After that: 20-30 more b-o-p, hundreds of Canadian geese on a pond, and a bald eagle (not in a pear tree)…
A flock of turkeys? Awesome!
Wow that is a lot of wildlife. Did you take any pictures?
I would love that drive.
We saw hawks and falcons on a drive we made, too. (no turkeys, tho. and one dead deer)
Stopping by to wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS!