Ah.. isn’t young love great? Wait a minute, are we young anymore? We’ve been together since 1999, and still, sometimes my honey surprises me.
He gave me an hour’s warning yesterday that he would take me shopping to try and get a lot of it done for our families before we were going to get a lot of snow (it’s supposed to snow 3 inches today). What a man! I was so happy, I wriggled some responses out of his mother, wrote down everything I could think of for my folks and off we went!
We surprisingly found a lot of things in a short amount of time. Probably around 2 hours and we have at least 90% done for everyone else. We still haven’t shopped for each other. I found a few cutesy things to put together for the women and the guys are getting some basics, but in general, we’re a lot of the way there. I haven’t started wrapping yet. There’s not a whole lot of chance that anyone will show up on our doorsteps unannounced, so for now they’re staying that way. Besides, I’m pleased as punch as to what we’ve done so far, and I would say for right now, I want to feast my eyes on all the goodies.
I was so worried I wouldn’t be able to get out and do the shopping since there’s still a thick layer of ice everywhere. And my prince rescued me and took me shopping.. Sigh. I’m so glad that he followed me home. And that I decided to keep him!