That’s not quite as exciting as I was expecting it to be. I did make a few new bloggy friends and got to post about a lot of random stuff. The pantry thing didnt turn out to be a whole month thing, but that’s okay too, I put a lot of my recipes out there for people to steal and enjoy! That made me happy!
Plus now it will be December, doh, 25 days until Christmas and this weekend its supposed to snow, ice, etc. starting tomorrow morning and continuing throughout the day. Wonderful. I guess I need to get to the store soon to stock up!
I am still pretty happy about having posted for a whole month. It gave me the impetus I needed to go ahead and forge forward, and as a result, I’m a lot more comfortable with posting. yeah!
So thanks for reading, and if you do want to hear anything specific from me, please feel free to ask, show me yours and I’ll show you mine (within reason, people), or what have you!