Robin is hosting Fun Monday this week, so please drop on by, sign up with her, and join in the fun! She wants us to: Shoes tell a lot about a person and we wanna delve deeply into your sole/soul. Photograph your favorite pair–or pairs–of shoes and tell us a little about why they’re near and dear to your toes/heart (I can’t wait to see how Swampy ties this in to Breast Cancer Awareness!). Follow in Jenny’s footsteps and make a foot-family portrait…show us your baby bronzed booties…let us see the shoes YOU HAD TO HAVE (but have never worn)…or all those grotesquely dyed-to-match formerly white satin bridemaid’s shoes that were worn ONCE…the reinforced steel-toe boots that saved your big toe from being hacked off in that industrial “accident”…or, just take pictures of your nekkid feet–gnarly bunions, twin toes, or perfectly OPI-pedicured tootsies.
Well, I guess I’ll take the plunge. Here are my feet. Yes, they are short/small. I KNOW. Okay. Enough comments about them in elevators (ever notice all you do in an elevator is look at the floor, and people’s feet?) Sorry for the bad polish. I need to redo it. Something you might or might not be able to tell is that I have a left foot size 5 WIDE and a right foot size 5 1/2 WIDE. My feet are also “tall” at the toes. So even if I get wide shoes (which do not usually start in US shoes until size 7), the shoes are too “short” from insole to top of shoe, for my feet. This really comes back to light, because I just went and tried on at least 2 dozen pairs of shoes. I thought I had ones that I could order (6 wide) in black, navy, and brown. They would be PERFECT! Except that you can’t order them in anything smaller than 7W, but the stores could get them in 6.5 wide. WHAT?!? Yeah, so I got some from a different store that are a little too tight (6W) on my right foot, but fit my left fine. There are other shoes I could have worn, but you couldnt get them the right dimensions… If you check out my big toes, I’ve had 3 of the 4 sides of them operated on. I had extreme ingrown nails for more than a decade. Last year, I got all but one side fixed. It involved twice daily foot soaking and going through 2 boxes of bandaids for a month, and lots of limping, BUT! I can WALK! Again! Unfortunately, the last side that’s not been done is acting up. And our insurance is not as good. Eck. I wonder if I can hold out until we have different insurance? Basically, they numbed me (worst part) with about 3 shots, then cut down the side, scraped, etc. I had 2-two week checkups for each time and was given a clean bill of health. Oh, did I mention the megadoses of antibiotics? Luckily I got smart and asked for a “yeast killing” pill with the last 2. No horrible side-effect infection! Yes! More than you wanted to know? Sorry 🙁 
Okay, so now that you know the full story on my feet, here’s some shoes. I just purged a lot of my shoes, so I dont have a lot to show. They were too small and never fit, it was just in desperation to wear something for a special event. So here’s the pared down compilation the 2 pair of shoes I wear for dress, the rest are tennis shoes and flip flops:

Wow – you DO have tiny feet (yeah – you know, you know). I have some of the same issues you do (like tall toes and wide toebox area), only my feet are also BIG. Sigh. I wonder which is worse for trying to buy shoes?
Love the boots!!! Makes me wanna sing —“Mama don’t let your babies grow up to be cowboys”….okay, okay so I know that’s god awful and way off key, but hey….you know….it’s Monday. *giggles*
I love those shoes, colour, style etc, just fabulous.
I’d have to go with the boots for dress shoes… I’d fall over in the heels!! 😉
Oh my favorites!! I love boots and I love Heels. 🙂
What cute feet! And all that surgery made me cringe…
I can’t believe I don’t own a pair of cowboy boots – MUST. BUY. SOME!
Tiggerlane totally stole my comment! haha…I was going to say, with all my shoes and I don’t own a pair of cowboy boots? But then, I live in the NorthEast, so it’s not really cowboy boot country here…still, yours are really nice!
A little bit of hair and you could play a hobbit with those … (:
I can relate. BUT, mine are duck feet. Skinny at the heel and wide at the toes. Just impossible to find shoes that fit.
*I’ve had surgery,too! and, looking like more coming
Love your boots – my feet are not small, but my instep will NOT fit in a cowboy boot. I am envious.
Poor you having all that surgery. When I was younger I used to fancy having a pair of cowboy boots and I think yours are rather cute.
Have you tried Zappos? Cause they have just about every size shoes imaginable. I also had ingrowns & knew the fun *agony* of them. Love your boots.
thanks for visiting my fun monday…an yes…it is rainbow bright feet…you are the 1st one to name it…i wish i had your problem…my feet are GINORMOUS!!!
Oh, my! You poor thing! I can’t imagine going that long with ingrowns! I had one years ago, and couldn’t take it very long (then again, I was taking pointe, and you can’t do that with an ingrown nail).
Just had to say it again and offer my sympathies!
For the shoes you ARE able to have, they’re great choice…and yeah, after seeing several pair of CUTE cowboy boots (cowgirl?), I’m kinda getting itchy to get some…since I don’t have no stinkin’ cows…or horses ;).
Thanks for playing along!
I really like the shoes – very nice! You have cute little tootsies!
I am not a cowboy/girl boot kinda gal but your boots…Id wear those! They are cute! I like the black ones too rather stylish!! I have a problem finding jeans that fit me right…everything seems to be highwaters on me!
I meant to go on to say that It’s a big pain in the butt… I can relate somewhat!
Seems I always find shoes in a size 5-6 but I wear an 8. 🙁 I wish I had tinier feet. Sounds like you have been through a lot with your tootsies.
Jill, your feet have gone global.
They’ve braved so much keeping you mobile.
Strange fun-gus
Some weirded-out pus
Lil Mouse, how your feet are so noble!
Hey! I rhymed.
You have tiny feet – maybe wide, but cute and tiny. And I’ve found that every shoe company makes shoes slightly different. (I can’t wear Birkenstocks because my feet are b/n their sizes – so either too big or too small)
She wore an itsy bitsy teenie weenie pair of shoes from Jcpenney! LOL
I so had the same surgery to both of my big toes too, on numerous occasions! NOT fun. The suckers are starting to make their way back after nearly 10 years of being hangnail free. It actually got so bad I had a growth that resembled something like a tumor on one of my toes! Ok, too much info, but consider it payback for the yeast comment 🙂
Love the cowboy boots. I still do not own a pair, but after seeing these I must go buy some.
I know I am late in getting this…but I love the boots!
Your feet are tiny! Mine are quite long, but unlike any other article of clothing I have no trouble with shoes. I can even wear a narrow sometimes.
Believe me, my feet are the only thing or normal sized my body!
Love those cowboy boots!