Well, I agreed to take the temporary position at the large company here in CR while the lady that usually is in that spot recovers from her fall down the stairs. It’s about 10 minutes from here and it’s an all-day thing. i kind of wish it was part -time but i guess my hubby will have to pitch in on some things for the next couple of months. It seems like the people there are nice, and even if they aren’t, it’s only a few weeks and it will be some nice “nest egg” money for us. And it will close up the gap in my resume for the time being. The good thing is, they need help, whether I am good or bad, it will be better than having no one at all. It sounds reasonable and not quite as busy as other jobs I have held from time to time, so we will see.
It sounds good if the people are nice and it’s close to you, as you say you are better than no one and the money will be nice as well. I hope you enjoy it.
hope things go well!!