Thank you to everyone for voting! It was 50/50-half of you love football
and the other just wish you could go to the mall during the superbowl.
Those mall shoppers will just have to pick me up something cute to wear
for Valentine’s day while I’m screaming “take him out at the knees”
and “stick him, get him dammit don’t let him go” or “let him go boys, let him go..yeah!!!!!!”..well you get the drift.
We will be watching most televised games. At this point the Bears, I like
watching the Saints cause a former WIU grad (Aaron Stecker) plays on there,
the Packers, the Rams, pretty much midwestern teams. No love for the
Dolphins, Redskins or Giants. Sorry coasts!
Heather J
Dang, I didn’t get to take your poll, I would have said “I watch it because my husband does”. (I haven’t been blog browsing all week) But if there is food, alcohol and a group of people involved, it’s totally tolerable and sometimes even exciting to watch!
girl, you have got to publish a rss-feed. I started using a reader cause I read too many blogs. I forget to come back here sometimes, because of it. it should be in your settings somewhere.. Oh, you know, I have no interest in football that doesn’t involve your mom’s homemade pizza.