Fun Monday-Show me your ride

Here’s the task: I wanna see your CAR! It can be your current car, the first car you ever had, maybe your first new car with that new-car smell, a car you wrecked once, or even the dream car you would drive – given all the money in the world! Oh – and if you have a truck, SUV, lawnmower, whatever the local authorities allow you to drive, let’s see it! From: Tiggerlane
This is my truck and my hubby’s bronco. We’re currently adding to the bad-environment due to low gas mileage. However, we do recycle and try and conserve energy by turning off lights, etc. so sue us! Anyway, I love my F150, I can actually SEE over the steering wheel, which is amazing, and in the car i had before, it was almost impossible. Also it has extendable pedals which allows me to sit further back from the steering wheel and air bag than before (did you know that approximately 10 inches is the recommended distance?) Being nearsighted and at 5’2(that’s generous) I always had a horrible time with sitting too close to the steering wheel. And that truck is mine. mine mine mine. and no one else can have it! We’ve been having the “what if we have more than one kid” talk and what would I be able to drive and haul kids in–it would almost certainly have to be a truck or SUV, Have to have those extendable pedals, and umm that’s about it–but for now my truck is ALL mine!
ps please dont sue me, i dont have any money!


  1. I love driving trucks! Who cares if they are bad on gas mileage, they are fun to drive, useful and they make you feel kinda safe.

    I am actually sorta the opposite of you. Now I have a car with low gas mileage, but I don’t recycle, and my husband has a little problem with turning off lights. It all balances out in the end!

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