Last weekend we went Geocaching, well, we went with someone who was hiding one. For those of you not familiar with the “sport”–if you could call it that, and from my limited knowledge, it basically goes like this: There’s a website that you log in to if you hide or find a geocache. If you hide it, you put in the gps coordinates of your location (accurate to within 4o feet) on the website of the little plastic container that holds a little item with a number on it and some pencils. If you find it, you write down the number and go back to the website and enter it in. I have no idea what the point is other than a more adult version of hide and go seek. However, we did get to bump down some pretty crazy “maintenance only B” roads in Iowa and use the 4WD in the Bronco. My hair was fuller of dirt than it has been since I was a tiny girl. And the funny thing is, my husband had the opportunity to go without me, get some guy time, and he invited me along. I don’t know what to think of that. I appreciate being included, but I worry that with just working all the time and then spending the whole weekends with me that he’ll get tired of it. I love him so much, and I want us to both have our independence without alienating each other. I probably do depend on him for too much, so I want him to feel free to have the guy time without me and provide some balance for both of us.