do you buy anything up front for a baby or do you just expect a baby shower before and/or after to take care of everything for a while? Would it be good to buy inexpensive/clearance baby clothes ahead of time? or diapers? Would it be better to buy the infant car seat and take care of that and put the bigger car seat that converts to booster on the baby shower list? Do you really need a lot of clothes, like do they go through 3 sets a day, or do you really only need basically one a day plus a couple extras if you’ve got a washing machine? Is less more? what do you totally forget you need and have to make your first run to the store for?
for instance, we recently saw items for about half price in walmart. we double checked back in the baby section and the items, example 12 month onesies a five pack were $10.88 and on clearance they were $5. same with other items that were on sale. what do you think about that?